# Downloadable Product

Let say that we want to sell a downloadable product, like a game or a software. We want to sell it for 10€ and we want to give it to the customer as soon as he paid for it. For the purpose of this example, we will use a nice pic of my dog as the product. But it can be anything else that can be a text.

# The product

Before creating the product on the dashboard, let's make it downloadable, in our case I will choose discord as the platform to host the image, but you can use any other platform that allows you to share a link to a file. So let's upload the image on discord (in any private channel) and let's right click on it and let's click on Copy Link. Now we have the link to the image, let's paste it in our browser and let's see if it works. If it does, then we can go on the dashboard and create the product.

# Creating the product

First lets go on the Dashboard (opens new window) and let's click on the side bar, then on Create a Product. In our case the product will be a download link that will be sent to the buyer as soon as he paid for it. So we will choose Normal Product as the product type. Then we will give it a name, a description and a price.

# First step

Lets Setup the basic product information. Here is a table that will help you to fill the form.

😎 Stands for not required, so do it only if you want it. ⚠️ Stands for required, so please fill it correctly or you will not be able to pass to the next step !

Option Name Description
Product Name ⚠️ It will be you product name. It will be displayed as the title of your product on the checkout and on the product embed
Product Description ⚠️ It will be your product description, it will be set as a description in your product embed
Product Color 😎 This s a hex code for the color want want your product embed to have. It is only avalable to ShopBot Plus and Premium users. If you don't put anything, the color will be green by default.
Product Stock 😎 If set to Limited, this will limit the number of products that your customers can buy, you can add more stock whenever you want by editing the product after its creation. If there is no more stock, your customers won't be able to purchase your product.
Purchase Limit If set to Limited, this will limit the number of products that your customers can buy for a lifetime. If for example your product can only be bought once, then set the limit to 1
Product Image 😎 It will be your product main image, it will be set as the image of your product embed. BUT if you want to put an image it MUST be a link to an image or it will be rejected by Discord (ex: https://shopbot.site/images/ShopBot-big-logo.png ) you CAN use link shorters !
Product Thumbnail 😎 It will be your product thumbnail, it will be displayed as the thumbnail of your product on the product embed. BUT if you want to put an image it MUST be a link to an image or it will be rejected by Discord (ex: https://shopbot.site/images/ShopBot-big-logo.png ) you CAN use link shorters !

Here is my filled form: First Step Downloadable

As you can see I've set a custom Product Color, it will make my product stand out a bit more than the others. I've also set a Product Thumbnail that is a pic of a drawed dog to better illustrate my product. I didn't put any Product Image because I don't want to put too much information on my product embed. I've also set the Product Stock to Unlimied beacuse I want to sell an unlimited amount of images !

# Second step - Payment Information

Here, we will need to put our product payment information to be able to be paid each time somone buys our product. In our case, I will select Stripe as a payment provider and I will put my Stripe account id in the PlatformID input. If you don't know how to get your Stripe account id, please check this page. Then I will put my product price and currency.

Here is some help with the other platforms:

# Payment Provider / ShopBot

For ShopBot you will need to select the server that the product will be linked to. And that's all ! The currency will be STKN (ShopBot Token) and the price will be the amount of tokens that you want to sell your product for.

# Payment Provider / PlatformID - Paypal

For Paypal, you only need to put your VALID Paypal email address that is linked to your account. If you populate a wrong email, no one will be able to have a checkout link.

(Once your product is created and generated, I strongly recommand that you click on "buy" on your product to see if a checkout link is created. If not, modify your product Paypal email address in Products -> Product List -> Select your product and click on "edit" -> Sensible Informations -> PlatofromID)

# Payment Provider / PlatformID - Stripe

For Stripe, it is a bit harder but it is worth it! You need to have a stripe connected account . Once you have that, then head to your profile here (opens new window), go to the bottom of that page and copy your account id (see image below) and paste it in the platformID input. Connect Stripe

# Price / Currency

Now, you need to put your product price and currency. I recommend you to choose your currency first. Note that if you choose Paypal as a platform, the minimum price is 7.5€ (or equivalent in other currencies) for a product. Whereas for Stripe, it is 2.5€ and you will have LESS fees applied to your payment.

# Payment Type

In our case, this is a one time purshace so we will select One Time as the payment type.

Here is my filled form: Second Step Downloadable

# Step Four - Product Automatic Actions

You can activate or deactivate the automatic actions you want. If you don't know what they are, please check this page. In Our case we don't need them so we will pass this step.

# Step Five - The Product Itself

Now we can paste our product download link that will be sent to the buyer. Plus a little thanks message for him, mine looks like this: Third Step Downloadable

After accepting the rules and conditions, we can click on Submit and our product will be created !

# Second Step - Generating the product to our server

# Step One - The Product ID

Now that our product is created, we need to generate it to our server. To do that, we will go to the Dashboard (opens new window) and we will click on Product in the side bar. Then we will click on Product List and we will copy the Product ID of our created product.

# Step Two - Generating The Product

Now let's head to our server and let's type /generateproduct <Product ID> in a channel. If you don't know how to get your product id, please check the previous step. If you did everything correctly, you should see something like this: Generating Product

And now we are done ! You can now click on the link to see how your product looks like ! If you want to edit your product, you can do it any time on the dashboard by clicnking on Products in the side bar and then on Product List and then on Edit on the product you want to edit.