# Image Library

Here, you will see all the images related to ShopBot. If you want to check how a specific element looks like, it is probably here ! If you think that something is missing, please reach me on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/d22ytpSsDN (opens new window)

# Product Embed

The product embed is the front page of your product, that's why ShopBot is giving the full potential of Discord embeds to generate them. Here is a quick look to a Shopbot product embed.

ShopBot Product Embed


If you modify your product I strongly recommand you to regenerate a product embed with the generate product command.

Number 🔢 Description ✍️
1 It is the product Title
2 It is the product description
3 It is the product Thumbnail
4 It is the product price with your product currency
5 It is the product type (ex: it will display minecraft for minecraft products
6 It is the payment platform (ex: it will display Stripe if the product owner have selected Stripe as a payment provider
7 It is the product ID
8 It is the product Image
9 It is the buy button, for users to be able to buy the product

# Connection successfull with minecraft server

This is happening after the test minecraft connection command on your server console. Connection Successfull MC Console

And this should happen on your Discord server: Connection Successfull MC Discord

# Claim normal product

Here is how a normal product claim looks like. Here the product was THANK YOU FOR BUYING MY PRODUCT !. As you can see, it is a custom text that is sent to the buyer (it could be for example a download link). Normal Product Claim text