# Discord Commands

Please find hereunder the list of all Shopbot discord commands. If you don't find a command, please contact me on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/d22ytpSsDN (opens new window)

# Generate Product

The /generateproduct command is used for generating the embed of a product. You need to put your productid to generate the embed. You can find your product ID on the ShopBot Dashboard Product list page (opens new window)

The /connectstripe command is used for getting the link tothe guide to connect your stripe account to ShopBot.

# Test minecraft Connection

The /testminecraftconnection command is used to test your minecraft server connection to ShopBot. The serverip needs to be your minecraft server IP : YOUR CUTSOM SHOPBOT PORT that is in your config file. If you have setup a proxy, you don't need to put the port (only if you know what you are doing). The password needs to be your password that you have setup in your ShopBot config.

So, for example, if your server IP is and your port is 4734, the serverIP paramater will look like :

# Test Your Product

The /test-product command is used to test your product before you release it to the public. It is important to test your product to ensure that it works as expected and to avoid any issues that may arise when users start using it. You can find more information on how to use this command here.

# Claim command

The /claim command is reserved to minecraft product claim. You will need to put the product ID of the product you just bought (you can find it on the product messsage) and instead of minecraft_nickname you need to put YOUR minecraft ingame name.

# Get Balance

The /getbalance gives you the amount of Tokens that you have on server you exect the command on.

# Give Tokens

The give_token allows you to give tokens to a member of the server (you need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command).


⚠️ This commands generate tokens, it doesn't remove them from your account.

# Get User Balance

The get_user_balance gives you the amount of Tokens that a user has on the server you execute the command on (you need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command).

# Remove Tokens

The remove_token allows you to remove tokens from a member of the server you are on (you need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command).

# Get a user buying history

The get_buying_history command allows you to get the buying history of one of your members. You will need to enter the product ID to check and the member to check. You need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command.

# Subscription Information

The sub-info gives you allof your current product susbcriptions

# Change your minenecraft nickname for a subscription product

The change-mc-sub-nick command allows you to change your minecraft nickname for a subscription product. You will need to enter the product ID and the new minecraft nickname.

# Get specific subscription Information

The current-sub command will give you specific information on a product subscription after that you have entered the product id to check.

# Charge a user

The charge command will charge a user x amount of tokens with a reason. You will have the choice to automaticaly notify the user or not. You need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command.

# Leaderboard

The leaderboard command will show you the top 10 users with the most tokens on the server you execute the command on.

# Get User Rank

The get_user_rank command will show you the rank of a user on the server you execute the command on. The rank is based on the amount of tokens that the user has.

# Reset Your Account

The reset-account command will reset your account on the server you execute the command on. This will wipe all of your products AND if you bought any products it will wipe them without ANY possible recovery !!!

# Send Tokens to a user

The send-tokens command will send x amount of tokens to a user. The max amount of tokens that you can send is 100000000.

# Clear all of the users balances

The clear-balances command will clear all of the users balances on the server you execute the command on. You need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command.

# Generate your store

The generate-store command will generate your store. You need to have the ShopAdmin role to execute that command. A store is a Forum like channel, where ShopBot will create a post for each product that is linked to your server. If you set an optional target parameter, the store will be generated in the category that you mentioned or directly in the forum channel if you don't mention a category. If you don't set the target parameter, the store will be generated in a newly created category called ShopBot-Store.

# Get the server Tax

The get_tax command will give you the tax of the server you execute the command on. If it is turned on, user to user transactions will be taxed as configured in the config of the server.